Greetings Family & Friends of the CREW,                  June 2004

   We need your help in honoring the CREW of the USS RICH (DE-695) by showing their ship as part of the Normandy Invasion of June 6, 1944 (2nd pic below).  Read on… 

   Note: this letter is for “Family & Friends” of the Crew, not for the Crew itself.  Background:  We just enjoyed a fantastic Survivors Reunion (5-8 June) in Lynchburg VA hosted by Jane and Roy Hudson.  On the 60th Anniversary of D-Day (6 June 2004), we were bussed to the D-Day Memorial in Bedford VA.  Thus our thoughts –

    Here, let’s cut to the chase!  What an “honor” it would be for the Crew (our Dads) to have their ship’s plaque (the USS RICH) shown beside the USS NEVADA, which she screened during the invasion… perfect, just perfect!  Mr. Joe Banner of the National D-Day Memorial Foundation is very excited at the idea of having a Destroyer Escort “plaque-ed” right there with the Battleships, Destroyers, and Cruisers.


 An explanation of the D-Day Memorial layout is in order.  After that, we’ll tell you how you can be part of our “brainstorm”.  The Memorial site is basically North-South, with the configuration itself representing the D-Day planning stage, collection of forces stage, crossing of the English Channel, storming of the beaches, and on to victory (Victory Arch).  Each component of the site represents the timing and execution of the events on and leading up to D-Day.  The picture (right) of the Victory Arch is photographed from the “Channel Crossing” area (with “victory” in sight), showing the storming of the cliffs (soldier w/rifle raised), and on to Victory. (The Navy Choir --Sea Chanters in white-- are preparing for starting ceremonies.)  The concrete of the channel-crossing-area gets appropriately darker as it nears the beach and cliffs.  Some 4000 chairs were setup in the channel-area for the D-Day ceremonies.

Click for full view


  Located in ”event sequence” on the site, plaques (pic left) representing the support-units and ships involved in the crossing are mounted on symbolic casemates & bunkers on the cliffs prior to Victory (Arch in background).  Plaques denoting US Army Air Corps Squadrons are mounted to the left of the Arch (East) and the US Navy Units and Ships are mounted to the right (West).  US Plaques now in place are (pic left):  US Navy Woman’s Reserve (WAVES), USS AUGUSTA (CA-31) and USS NEVADA (BB-36).  The USS RICH (DE-695) will be mounted to the right of the USS NEVADA!   For this, of course, we will need your help.

Click for full view

For a closer view of the USS Nevada plaque (and us), you see the proud sons of the two USS RICH Crewmembers, John A. Fryberger, and Roy P. Hudson.  (You don’t think we could miss the photo opportunity, do you… just kidding, just kidding.)  We could carry-on about the excellences of the D-Day Memorial, but you have the idea

 Now the sting:  The cost of the plaque is $15,000, a mere token... considering.  We would be most grateful for any amount you can contribute to help us honor the USS Rich and her crew. And your donation is 100% TAX deductible.  Here is the skinny:  For donations less than $250, please make your check payable to the USS Rich DE695 Memorial and mail it to:

Click for full view

P. O. Box 5998
Cleveland, OH 44101-0998
  A copy of your canceled check with your tax return will serve as proof of your contribution.  (Uncle Sam said so.)  
If, on the other hand, you care to make a contribution greater than $250 dollars, please make your check payable directly to the National D-Day Memorial Foundation, print the words USS Rich DE695 Memorial on the for/memo line of the check, and mail the check to:

National D-Day Memorial Foundation
ATTN: Accounting Department
P. O. Box 77
Bedford, VA 24523


 The National D-Day Memorial Foundation will send you a receipt that you may then use as proof of your contribution when you file your taxes. (It is absolutely imperative that you include the words USS Rich DE695 Memorial on the for/memo line of your check. This is the only way that the D-Day Memorial Foundation will know that the check is for the USS Rich plaque and not for their general fund.) 

   The reason for the different mailing addresses is to give the D-Day Foundation a hand with its bookkeeping and to keep Uncle Sam happy, so the tax deduction is a reality.  [Note:  For the tax deduction to legally work, checks greater than $250 must be made payable to and mailed directly to the National D-Day Memorial Foundation.] 

   We urge your prompt response, so the USS RICH (DE-695) plaque will be ready for dedication on Veteran’s Day this year (November 11, 2004).  The money is needed “six weeks” before they can hang the plaque, says Mr. Banner.  Therefore, our line-in-the-sand is September 15, 2004.  Time is of the essence.  We are losing over 1000 WW-II veterans each day.   You will be updated on our progress in September… to let you know if the “Bonnie & Clyde” method of raising cash is being considered.  We are truly excited about this venture.  Do join us in honoring our Dads (and all crewmembers of the USS RICH).  It is the least we can do.   


                                                                          George M. Fryberger & Roy P. Hudson, Jr. 


PS:  Please keep this on the quiet.  Dad might think we are taking money from the grand kids.  Not good!  Besides, we want them to be surprised.



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